Imagine a life where food is a source of joy and nourishment—not anxiety, guilt, or restriction. If you’re ready to break free from diet culture and find peace with food, I invite you to embark on a journey of healing, guided by compassion and a commitment to intuitive eating.

Why This Coaching is for You

Do you resonate with these questions?

  • Does food dominate your thoughts or cause stress?
  • Are you constantly managing what you “should” eat, only to feel deprived?
  • Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of dieting, bingeing, and feeling ashamed?
  • Are you avoiding social situations because of food anxiety?
  • Do you find yourself scrutinizing your body, constantly wishing it was thinner?

It’s not your fault. Diet culture has ingrained an “all-or-nothing” mindset, fostering an unhealthy cycle of restriction and guilt. Together, we’ll dismantle these beliefs and reconnect you to your body’s innate wisdom.

Imagine a Life Free of Diet Culture

Picture yourself:

  • Peaceful around all foods, even those you once considered “off-limits.”
  • Liberated from diet mentality, confidently nourishing yourself without restriction.
  • Connected to your body, respecting its cues and effortlessly reaching a healthy, joyful balance.

When you work with me, you’re not just learning intuitive eating—you’re gaining the tools to reclaim your autonomy and transform your relationship with food, your body, and your overall well-being.

What to Expect from Our Coaching Together

Our sessions will be personalized, empowering, and rooted in deep respect for your unique journey. Here’s what we’ll explore:

  • Freedom from Diet Culture: Releasing the diet mentality and embracing a nourishing mindset.
  • Building Self-Trust: Reframing beliefs about food, health, and worth.
  • Living in Balance: Cultivating joyful movement, flexible nutrition, and self-compassion.
  • Seasonal Living: Honoring the rhythms of your body and life, from nutrition to self-care.

What’s Included in Your Coaching Package

Intuitive Eating Coaching Package

  • 8 transformative coaching sessions + 1 bonus session (60-90 minutes each)
  • Unlimited email and text support between sessions
  • Personalized resources, workbooks, and a food journal for ongoing reflection and growth

Voxer Support Package

  • Convenient, on-demand support through Voxer (Monday-Friday during working hours)
  • A dynamic, flexible approach tailored to your needs—perfect for busy schedules or those who prefer an alternative to traditional sessions.

Client Success Stories

“After 14 years of struggling, Nina’s guidance gave me a new sense of freedom and self-trust.”
"I had tried every diet imaginable, and my relationship with food felt hopeless. Nina’s intuitive approach transformed my life—I finally feel connected to my body and free to enjoy food without guilt."
— Maya H.

"Working with Nina was life-changing.”

"My struggle with food began with an innocent diet, when I was only 18 years old.

After 17 years of constant struggle, I was so done! Done with dieting, avoiding many food groups, living with food rules and being stuck in the binge and restrict cycle.

One day I came across Nina and her page, and immediately decided to give it a try. Best decision ever!!

Working with Nina was life changing! She brings so much knowledge, empathy, support and positive energy into every coaching session.

Nina helped me change my relationship with food in a way I never thought it could be possible. She gave me life long tools to empower myself and my health.

I wish I found you earlier, Nina. Thank you so much!"

— Mirna Z.

Ready to Enroll? Get Started Now!

Investment Options:

Take a deep breath. Listen to your intuition. Is it time to reclaim your relationship with food and body?

Support and transformation are waiting for you.

More Client Success Stories:

If someone told me a month and a half ago what kind of a person I’ll be today, and all the things I’d be doing for the next month and a half, I would most likely tell them to shut the front door. Because, if there was one thing I did NOT expect from Intuitive Eating Coaching and Self-love, Period. Program (ok, two things), it would be to eat and do nothing.

Yes, you’ve heard that right. Eat, and do nothing.
So here I am, after a month and a half of eating and “doing nothing”.
Yes, it is that easy and that simple!
I have been on all sorts of diets and eating programs since I was 13 (I’ll be 40 soon).

After two births, postpartum hypothyroidism and a lot of suffering, I realized I’m destroying myself. I spent half of my life hungry and half fat and hungry. All of that time with no energy and unhappy. I felt like life stopped and it’s going to start again only when I lose weight. However, that was not happening. On the contrary, my body was only getting bigger.
Just when I was about to become a hermit who only drinks water or invite an exorcist, I saw an article about relationship with food.
It clicked right away - I didn’t have a problem with weight, I had a problem with food relationship.
Because through all the restrictions, diets, forbidden foods and punishment I subconsciouly made food my greatest enemy, biggest threat and worst nightmare.
I created a completely disordered system of evaluating food and life in general. I made my enemy the thing that was meant to keep me alive and let me live and function properly.
I went into the self-destruction process.

So I decided to go with the only thing left, because I tried everything else and it only led to more suffering.
After first coaching session with Nina, I had two tasks: eat anything I want when I’m hungry, and do nothing else about it. Doing nothing else meant simply not to stress about food after eating, no matter what.

Seemingly simple task turned out to be the biggest challenge in my life. Doing this brought to the surface all the things I have been storing inside of me for years and compensated with food restrictions: punishment, control and guilt that were hidden inside of me like some sort of viruses, doing their thing for years. Making me think that I’m good enough only if I follow strict diet rules and if I break them, I was no longer good, which resulted in guilt and self-punishment in a shape of starving.
When I could no longer starve myself, I would eat. I would eat a normal meal that I would believe is abnormal, and then I would feel guilty for the rest of the day and punish myself. Going in this circle, over and over again... Until my hormones went out of control and my cycle became hell.

Long story short: little by little, I found my food freedom. I eat everything. Pizza, burgers, I drink Coke and eat ice-cream! However, now I eat enough.
In the process of finding ways of feeling good, I realized I wanted to move more, so I started pilates lessons.

When you finally stop with restrictions, you give yourself permission to live. To live a life worth living.
The money you will invest in coaching (and the Self-love, Period.) is less than the value you get from working with Nina.
Because the decision I made to do something I haven’t tried before brought me a completely new part of life, new perspective and a whole new world.
And a new me. Me, who enjoys herself and life.
Then, food and the way it tastes is only one of the aspects of a great and free life, and not a replacement for everything you took away from yourself because someone told you you should.

Ivana R.

Putting into words what Nina's intuitive eating coaching did for me is a real challenge.

I was a victim of disordered eating for a whopping 12 years – talk about a struggle! Guilt, shame, frustration – the whole deal.

Then along came Nina, and everything shifted. She's not just a coach; she's like my beacon of hope in this messy journey to recovery. Her vibe is gentle, and she totally gets the messy, complicated world of disordered eating.

Nina didn't just preach intuitive eating; she lived and breathed it. It's not just about the food; it's about digging deep into yourself. Like she always says, intuitive eating means intuitive living! Her coaching wasn't just about eating all the foods; it was about reconnecting with myself on a whole new level. Trusting my body, savoring pleasure, and kicking guilt and judgment to the curb became my new mantras.

Fast forward to today – I'm eat with no guilt or fear. I've got mad love and respect for this bod, all thanks to Nina's kick-ass coaching.

So, big shoutout to you, Nina! Thanks a million!

Wendy T.

Ready to Enroll? Get Started Now!

Investment Options:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I’m unhappy with my purchase?
Due to the digital nature of the service, all sales are final and non-refundable.

How do I schedule my sessions?
Once you purchase, I’ll send you easy-to-follow instructions for booking your sessions.

Can I purchase additional coaching packages?
Absolutely! You’re welcome to continue your journey with more coaching sessions anytime.